Our IM service is open between 8pm – 8am

This service is currently closed, please check back again later.

Clicking the above 'Chat' box will direct you to a chat window when the service is open


You can email us any of time of day at

We aim to always respond within 48 hours.


Call us on 0113 380 1285

Our phone line is open most days between 8pm and 8am.



Nightline Listening

When there’s something on your mind, big or small, we’re here to listen and to give you the time and space to talk things through.

So when you’re under pressure, making a decision, facing a crisis, feeling down, or just need to chat about something, give us a try – it might just help.

Nightline is:

1.) Confidential

We believe that keeping things between the caller and volunteer is essential to creating a safe environment for a caller to talk about their feelings. We don’t share anything you say with anyone else, with a few exceptions:

  • If you ask us to contact the emergency services, we can do that for you
  • If we receive a call about acts of terrorism or bomb threats
  • If we become aware of a incident in which emergency service intervention would help to preserve the life of a victim which has occured in the past 12 hours or will happen in the near future
  • If we believe there is a child protection issue

2.) Anonymous

Both you, the caller, and the volunteer will remain anonymous. Some callers find it easier to share a first name to help facilitate the conversation and volunteers may also provide a name to help the caller feel at ease. No identifying information is recorded. Our service is designed so that we do not see the number of someone calling, or the source of an email or instant message.

3.) Non-directive

We feel it is important that the caller is completely in control of the conversation. This means our volunteer are trained to ask open questions to enable you to talk freely. We will not lead the conversation in any particular direction or take control.

4.) Non-advisory

Our volunteers do not give advice. We will not tell you what to do, our aim is to provide support and create a space where you can work things through yourself.

5.) Non-judgemental

Our volunteers will never judge what you are talking about. We will always respect your opinions and decisions.

6.) Here all night

Nightline is open from 8pm to 8am during University of Leeds term-time, though we serve all Leeds students – you can call us anytime, whether it’s for information or just to talk.


Leeds Nightline is affiliated with the © Nightline Association


Feel free to donate to our service using the Percent app, or by getting in touch with our fundraising team at


Facebook  & Instagram . Our team of volunteers will respond to any queries.